Electronic Prescribing

Comprehensive E-Prescribing
Powered by the #1 e-prescribing software program on the market DrFirst Rcopia®, Freedom | ERX includes legend drug and electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) to create a seamlessly integrated workflow solution for all your prescribing needs.
Predictive Analytics
With the predictive analytics technology built in Rcopia, Freedom | ERX “learns” your e-prescribing patterns to help facilitate medication decisions in fewer clicks, with cleaner sig instructions while reducing the need for back-and-forth pharmacy clarifications.

Drug Benefit Check
Easily access information regarding whether a medication is covered under a patient’s formulary benefit plan.

Better Insight
View alternative drug therapies, receive guidance on alternative pharmacy options, and determine expected patient out-of-pocket costs at the point of care.

EHR Integration
Built-in flexibility lets you use Freedom | ERX on its own or seamlessly integrated with Freedom | EHR.

Medication History
Freedom | ERX features an electronic patient medication history data feed, designed to present 24 months of patient medication history in a matter of seconds. It significantly streamlines provider medication reconciliation processes and enhances patient safety.

Clinical Alerts
Designed to make prescribing safer for the patient and more efficient for the you, Freedom | ERX includes drug-drug, drug-allergy, dosing, and duplicate therapy alerts, patient-specific formulary guidance, and provider-specific drug favorites functionality.
Medication Adherence Monitoring
The PatientAdvisor toolbar within Freedom | ERX alerts you to patients at risk for non-adherence and empowers you with tools to encourage compliance, including diagnosis-specific education resources, financial savings opportunities, and behavioral support programs for your patients.

Electronic Prior Authorization
With Freedom | ERX, you can initiate, submit, and complete prior authorizations electronically, and respond to prior authorizations that are initiated from pharmacies after a claim rejection in real-time, avoiding the time consuming paper/fax/phone based prior authorization workflow of years past.